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30 Best Motivational Speakers in India that One Must-Know

Motivational speakers in India have become increasingly popular as people seek to find inspiration and guidance in their lives. These inspiring individuals use their own experiences and knowledge to help motivate others and impart wisdom. Whether you are looking for guidance in the workplace, personal development, or any other area of life, there is sure to be a motivational speaker in India to meet your needs. Here we will explore some of the best motivational speakers in India and how they are helping people reach their goals.

30 Best Motivational Speakers in India

Many famous personalities have emerged as motivational speakers in India in recent years. Indira Nooyi, the former CEO of Pepsi and current Chairman of the International Cricket Council, has inspired millions with her powerful words. Similarly, author and motivational speaker Shiv Khera has given speeches on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to success in life. He is best known for his ‘You Can Win’ book which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

Here is the rundown of excellent and groundbreaking motivational speakers in India who you can hear and go to their courses to start living life as your higher version.

1. Deepak Chopra

deepak chopra as a motivational speaker in India

Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American creator and elective medication advocate. An influential figure in the New Age development, his books and videos have spread his message and made him one of the best motivational speakers in India.

He is from Delhi and is a trained doctor who made progress in the US as a specialist. However, later, he desired to become familiar with spirituality, and Ayurveda.

He acquired a ton of publicity following his interview on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” about his books like Perfect Health, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and so forth. He is an astonishing inspirational speaker, he posts on his YouTube Channel and has impacted people’s lives.

2. Sandeep Maheshwari

Sandeep Maheshwari as one of the best motivational speakers in India

Sandeep Maheswari is one of the most powerful motivational speakers in India. He has brought an immense change in perspective to the coming-of-age world. He began his professional career as a model at 19 years old. Seeing the provocation and abuse experienced by models, something in him shifted. It was a critical moment for him when he chose to help countless striving models alike.

He has seen it all, failure, hunger for success, joy, and satisfaction. At 26 years old, he initiated his firm called ImagesBaazar, which internationally holds the broadest assortment of Indian pictures.

Thereafter, he started his own YouTube channel, which today has more than 27 Million subscribers. His channel is among the most-subscribed YouTube Channels in India. He shares motivational videos and even presents his story to show his life battles. Recently, he started a motivational talk show with known personalities in India.

3. Yogesh Chabria

Motivational speaker yogesh chabria

Yogesh Chabria is a business person, top-rated creator, one of the best Motivational Speakers in India, and Author of the #1 Bestselling “The Happionaire” has changed and touched the hearts of millions of individuals from one side of the globe to the other. He has helped individuals discover their inner gifts and conquer fear.

He discusses leadership, joy, and the holistic growth of a person. He has conducted many social drives as the Cultural and Youth Ambassador to France. Started endeavors to employ women and add to their fundamental development which has helped ladies from all foundations acquire tremendous positive change and stand for themselves in society.

Yogesh has engaged people from varying backgrounds to feature their genuine potential. Be it business visionaries, business administrators, or experts; all have benefited from these projects, studios, and books.

4. Vivek Bindra

Vivek Bindra as motivational speaker

Dr. Vivek Bindra, CEO, and pioneer of Bada Business is one of the World’s Greatest Influencers, an International Motivational Speaker, Leadership Consultant, Corporate mentor, and Inspirational Business mentor who has made 8 Guinness World Records for the biggest online courses on distinguished subjects.

He had been granted the ‘Best Leadership Trainer in Asia’ Award by Marshall Goldsmith at World HRD Congress. He isn’t just a globally recognized speaker but is a profitable business mentor and businessman. Being the World’s Most Subscribed Entrepreneurship YouTube Channel Dr. Bindra has managed to harbor 20.5 Million Subscribers and 1.6 Billion viewers.

His content is typically based on explorations of various companies, which can help you understand how to start a business, funding, profit, loss, and many more. Dr. Bindra’ is one of the best Motivational Speakers in India who motivates people with his own life experiences.

5. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Motivational speaker of India Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Jagadish Vasudev, known by the honorific title Sadhguru, is an Indian yoga master, among the Best Motivational Speakers in India, and an advocate of spirituality. He has been delivering yoga in southern India starting around 1982. In 1992, he applied to the Isha Foundation close to Coimbatore, which operates as an ashram with and yoga focus that benefits informative exercises.

As a child, Sadhguru was brave, a progressive high schooler, and a rebel by nature. Around the age of thirteen, Sadhguru went over Raghavendra Swami, a yogi prevalently known as Malladihalli Swami. Sadhguru’s enthusiasm for motorcycles is as undiminished today as it was during his school years.

His commitment has influenced a large number of lives, and is additionally the organizer behind an NGO “Isha Foundation”. His interpretation of life isn’t like others, and this alternate approach has made his YouTube lessons become famous online and made him tremendously valued.

6. Ujjwal Patni

Ujjwal patni as motivational speaker

Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International creator, one of the Best Motivational Speakers in India, a corporate mentor, a leadership mentor, and an executive advisor. His 7 persuasive books are delivered in 12 Indian and two foreign languages and sold across 18 countries

He has a following of millions from more than 500 nations. He encourages lakhs of individuals consistently through his talks, classes, and workshops. The great part about him is that he expresses the vast majority of his talks in Hindi and has been rewarded with over 15 renowned honors. He has managed to garner 6.49M subscribers on YouTube, and 347K followers on Instagram.

His classes and preparation programs have been useful to more than 1,000,000 individuals in 100 or more urban areas in India and abroad. His top topics are personal growth, business excellence, and the public.

7. Gaur Gopal Das

Motivational speaker gaur gopal das

Gaur Gopal Das is an Indian way of life mentor, powerful orator, and previous HP engineer. He is an individual from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. He is one of the Best Motivational Speakers in India and is unique. He has been executing scholars, celebs, and corporate pioneers all around the world.

Gaur Gopal Das is exceptionally spiritual, thoughtful, and a majestic influential speaker who isn’t the slightest bit moved by pressures. Gaur Gopal Das was given the tag of “The Ideal Young Spiritual Guru” by the Indian understudy parliament of MIT, Pune. He has 4.78M YouTube subscribers and 6.3M Instagram followers.

His debates make individuals think further and help them with tracking down a basic answer for difficult problems, and this is conceivable as a result of the immortal insight he has. The novel thing about him is that his way of thinking is an incredible blend of traditional hypotheses and new contemporary brain research.

8. Shiv Khera

shiv khera - motivational speakers from India

Shiv Khera is an Indian writer, dissident, and motivational speaker, most popular for his book “You Can Win”. He stand off a development against standing-based reservations in India and established an association called Country First Establishment. He rouses and urges people to understand their actual potential.

He has taken his dynamic individual messages to inverse sides of the globe, from the U.S. to Singapore. His 40 years of exploration and understanding have placed millions on the way to development and satisfaction. Many thousands have profited from his passionate speeches universally in more than 20 nations and millions have heard him as a featured expert.

He has shown up on various radio and TV programs. People pay attention to his convincing lessons because they are extremely intuitive and fascinating. He has changed many lives on account of the inspiration that he brings inside and propels people to make incredible progress.

9. Ankur Warikoo

Ankur Warikoo - Motivation Speaker in India

Ankur Warikoo is an Indian author, and entrepreneur with millions of followers across LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Before becoming a management consultant and eventually a serial entrepreneur, he was an ambitious physicist and space enthusiast.

He co-founded Nearbuy and Groupon India, and he served as their first CEO. In 2021, he published Do Epic Shit, his first book. He is an entrepreneur, coach, angel investor, and one of the top motivational speakers from India. The leading transaction platform in India, Nearbuy.com, was co-founded by Ankur who served as its CEO.

The sacrifices he took to get where he is now are the most amazing aspects of his tremendous career. He is listed in India’s Forbes 40 under 40 which is a noteworthy accomplishment. He also develops really useful, no-nonsense courses that are intended to help individuals improve. These courses are made to enable you to make decisions about your life from a position of awareness. and not indifference.

10. Simerjeet Singh

Simerjeet Singh as Indian motivational speaker

Simerjeet Singh is one of the best motivational speakers from India and an execution mentor who has fuelled positive change for worldwide crowds from learners to business pioneers. Simerjeet is known for making intelligent featured discussions and talks that draw in his crowd and welcome them to be dynamic members of their prosperity.

He started a promising profession in the hospitality sector, developing lodgings and different organizations in Dubai, India, the US, and the UK. However, later, he considered changing his calling; he started without any preparation and with no information as a powerful orator.

Until this point in time, he has given over 1000 persuasive courses and roused plenty of individuals above 100 organizations. Simerjeet often features the benefit of carrying on with a reason-situated life and has an original way of giving his meetings.

11. Shivani Verma

Motivational speaker of India Shivani Verma

Well known as BK Shivani or Sister Shivani, she is an educator in the Brahma Kumaris spiritual growth in India. Shivani Verma was brought into the world on May 31, 1972, and lived with her family in Gurgaon, New Delhi.

She deeply loved science and decided to pursue electrical engineering at Pune University in Pune, India. And worked as a professor of Electrical engineering at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for 2 years. Sister Shivani has written many proficient books, for example, Happiness Unlimited and Awakening with Brahmakumaris.

She won 2 prestigious awards. One is the Women of the Decade Achievers Award by the ASSOCHAM Ladies League in 2014 and the other is Nari Shakti Award in 2019. She discusses various phases of life, how to be content, dealing with feelings of anger and jealousy, and being self-dependent for bliss.

12. TS Madaan

TS Madaan as motivation speaker

Madan, brought into the world on the 14th of November 1958, is a business visionary, life mentor, and youtube VIP. He has been granted Rashtrapati Grant from H.E. Dr. V Giri, the Leader of India.

He is likewise an inheritor of the “The Udyog Rattan” Grant for his commitment to the modern development of the country. He has additionally been granted “The Authentication of greatness in administration and advancement”.

He talks at events, and meetings, and shows since people love his thrilling style, he is one of a kind and inspiring. His meetings are brimming with humor, fun, and enlightening content. Madan is also a blood donor. His interests also include singing, mono-acting, painting, and voyaging.

13. Rahul Kapoor

Rahul Kapoor, an inspirational author, guide, and Motivation Speaker in India produces significant modules for business and self-improvement with viable and implementable tools. Rahul is known as a ‘live wire’ in bringing profoundly exciting projects to people, groups, and establishments.

The content he creates is a blend of Science, Psychology, and spirituality, and they are utilized by more than 10,000 corporations that include Fortune 500 companies. His schemes have enlivened over 2,00,000 individuals across 15 nations like Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, and the USA bringing about an upgrade in revenue, prevalent client support, and functional superiority.

His greatest listener gathering to date is 7,000 members. Rahul Kapoor gave “The Level 10 Game Program”, which zeroed in on – ‘how to assemble flexibility during difficult stretches by summoning the power inside’, at the 34th Annual Conference 2016, Institute of Charted Accountants of India – UAE (Dubai).

14. Him-eesh Madaan

Him-eesh Madaan is one of the best motivational speakers, a Career Strategist, and a Business person. Driven by his enthusiasm for engaging people, he has taught and enhanced over 1,00,000 people. He began his career in sales in the travel industry.

After being a robust performer, he was employed by one of the top airlines in the US. He acquired insight into deals, and quality while working for the airlines. His purpose was to help people to thrive and advance, and he decided to turn into an inspirational coach. He is an Influencer, Entrepreneur, and Coach with 6.57M subscribers on YouTube.

His talks are exceptionally provoking, and his words are heart-touching and moving. In his videos, you get content on education, career, business, and even connections. He holds specialization in regions like Relational abilities, Employability Abilities, Relationship Building, Social Abilities, Non-verbal communication, Relational Abilities, and so forth.

15. Chetan Bhagat

Chetan Bhagat author and motivational speaker

Chetan Bhagat is an Indian creator, journalist, and YouTuber. He was acknowledged for Time magazine’s rundown of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Individuals in 2010. He began his profession as a venture investor, and afterward, he transformed into one of the Best Motivational Speakers in India.

He has written ten books and three verifiable books. His most memorable novel, Five Point Somebody, was distributed in 2004. Every one of his books has remained a smash hit since their delivery. Chetan Bhagat graduated in mechanical engineering from IIT Delhi and then his PGP from IIM Ahmedabad.

He has authored ten books and three verifiable books. His most memorable novel, Five Point Somebody, was distributed in 2004. His approach to composing is unrivaled as it straight away pierces the heart. He has additionally been welcome to different universities and corporates for taking online classes and sessions.

16. Sudha Murthy

Sudha Murthy Photo

Sudha Murthy is the chairman of the Infosys Foundation, a Motivation Speaker in India, a writer, and a philanthropist. Computer science and engineering were the fields in which Sudha Murty first pursued a career.

She is wed to Mr. Narayan Murthy, a well-known and acclaimed novelist. There are a few topics she consistently discusses in her motivational speeches: the idea of simplicity, taking life seriously, and having empathy for your fellow people. All of these principles appear straightforward but are challenging to live by; nevertheless, after hearing her speak, you could find that these principles just flow naturally to you.

She sponsored several orphanages, took part in initiatives for rural development, backed the campaign to equip all government schools in Karnataka with computer labs and libraries, and founded the Murty Classical Library of India at Harvard University.

17. Robin Sharma

Canadian author Robin Sharma is well known for his book series “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”. Sharma practiced law until he was 25 years old, at which point he self-published the spirituality and stress management book “MegaLiving”.

He gave up his job as a legal advisor after the publication of his second book and became a full-time novelist. One of the most well-known and effective motivational speakers in India.

Millions of people have been influenced by his book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari.” Bill Clinton, Jack Welch, Richard Branson, and a host of other eminent figures have all shared the stage with him. To educate students on leadership and business, he has worked with well-known firms including Nike, NASA, Microsoft, Nike, Unilever, General Electric, FedEx, HP, Starbucks, Prophet, Yale College, PwC, and IBM Watson.

18. Priya Kumar

Priya Kumar Image

Priya Kumar is a Motivation Speaker in India, author, and screenwriter with over 25 years of Corporate Training Experience. She is the author of 12 books and self-improvement guides. Her works mostly manage uplifting and profound subjects.

Priya was brought into the world in Chandigarh and has won various honors for an exposition composing challenge in school. She is a very passionate worker and conveys more than what is generally expected of her. She is innovative and uses writing and talking as a medium to give articulation to express her thoughts.

She has 267K Instagram followers and 83.6K subscribers on YouTube. With more than 700 published columns for national and international publications, Priya’s work has been widely highlighted by the media in India and abroad and she has been greeted as a superstar visitor on a few businesses, diversion, and unscripted TV dramas.

19. Sneh Desai

Sneh Desai is one of the most outstanding motivational speakers from India, he has served more than 21 Lakh individuals in India and other countries. At the age of twelve, he earned his Microsoft Certified Professional designation.

He began instructing others at the age of nine. His training company has been recognized as one of India’s best educational institutes by Sandesh Media Group. He is the founder and director of Sneh World, where he conducts workshops and seminars on self-development.

He is the author of several inspirational books, audio, and online training videos. His significant contributions to society have been repeatedly highlighted on radio shows, TV shows, magazines, and national publications like Times of India, DNA, Dainik Bhaskar, Telegraph, Navbharat Times, Sakal, and Aastha TV, among others.

20. Ram G Vallath

Ram G Vallath

Ram G Vallath was raised in a Keralan village and attended a local school. When he was 14 years old, he unexpectedly began to enjoy Shakespeare in the Queen’s tongue, even though English was not his primary language until he joined the engineering field.

This motivation may have resulted from his father’s incentive to develop independent study and problem-solving skills. After that, his career took off like a rocket, and he went on to become the youngest circle head in Indian telecom history as well as a director at Dell and HP.

He had a remarkable life story that is worth hearing about. He had a difficult life and had to fight an uphill battle to find his identity and his inner compass. He is now a fantastic business co-founder, science editor, and motivating speaker. He has authored an autobiography that is both amusing and uplifting, titled Ouch to Oops.

21. Arunima Sinha

Arunima Sinha is an Indian mountain climber and athlete. She was traveling to Delhi by rail when all of a sudden, a bunch of thieves forced her out of the vehicle for restraining them. As a result of this occurrence, she lost one of her legs.

Arunima had instruction in mountaineering techniques and was successful in ascending Mount Everest, so she did not become discouraged. She wanted to join the paramilitary forces, but due to a tragic occurrence, she was unable to do so. She is a seven-time Indian volleyball player and the first female amputee in history to climb Mount Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus, Mount Kosciusko, Mount Aconcagua, Mount Denali, and Mount Vinson.

She is a seven-time Indian volleyball player and the first female amputee in history to climb Mount Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus, Mount Kosciusko, Mount Aconcagua, Mount Denali, and Mount Vinson. All of her struggles have shaped her into a headstrong go-getter. Today she is one of the top Motivational Speakers in India.

22. Nilesh Mataria

Mr. Nilesh Mataria is the founder and owner of the global pioneer in the personal and professional transformation of people for a better and happier future, Self Discovery. He is a powerful influencer, motivational speaker, gifted life coach, and industry expert. His talks are renowned for being upbeat, motivational, entertaining, and full of positivity.

The truth about Nilesh is that he has a talent and conducts sessions that are so inspiring that you will undoubtedly experience success and happiness in your life. He offers you in-depth knowledge of personal development because he has more than ten years of expertise.

Due to his extensive research over a decade ago, he has a great deal of clarity about personal transformation now. He gives people the confidence to see and utilize their potential.

23. Gul Panag

Gul Panag is an Indian actress, voice actor, model, and former Miss Universe contestant. 2003’s Dhoop marked Panag’s entry into the Bollywood film industry. She is one of India’s most influential Motivational Speakers in India.

A leading advocate and activist who frequently promotes discussion and debate on important topics such as gender equality and justice, the environment, basic rights, secularism, corruption, and political responsibility. Gul is a political science master’s degree holder.

She is now regarded as a young idol and one of the most important voices on social media as a result of her social and political activities. The Colonel Shamsher Singh Foundation, which Gul leads in her grandfather’s honor, promotes citizen-government collaborations for gender equality, addiction awareness, education, employment, and disaster management. Gul is one of India’s most prominent social media influencers.

24. Swami Gyanvatsal

Gyanvatsal Swami is a motivation speaker in India and a profound pioneer and positions as a social reformer at BAPS (Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha). He began his profession as a Mechanical Engineer and later turned into a Guru. Gyanvatsal Swami inspired many individuals with his inspirational discussions that are loaded up with scientific research. Aside from India, he has likewise taken online classes and meetings in Europe, Britain, the US, Canada, and New Zealand.

His actual name is Rakshit Rawal. Gyanvatsal Swami acquired his training from Pramukh Master, Master. Pramukh Swami passed away on the thirteenth Aug 2016 in Sarangpur town of Gujarat.

He is from Akshardham, BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. This temple is a worker-driven association devoted to refining society by concentrating on individual society. They do this by supporting the Hindu goals of trust, solidarity, and benevolent service.

25. Ujjwal Chugh

He is one of the top motivational speakers in India as he plans to edify the young on the most proficient method to implore their less common aspects. Ujjwal has an alternate approach to unraveling things for people; according to him, carrying on with life as a standard individual is quite simple, so he inspires individuals to unleash their remarkable selves to make improvements.

He has gotten various accolades like The Public Gaurav Grant, The Distinction of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Dauntlessness Grant, Saraswati Ratan Sammaan, and the Genuine Sanwad Greatness grant.

He is the organizer and Chief of the ISOLS bunch and is the voice behind successful youth. Ujjwal is an outstanding educator and his words and thoughts reach an individual’s soul and direct them toward progress.

26. Abha Maryada Banerjee

Abha Maryada Banerjee is one of the most remarkable motivational speakers from India, appraised as one of the Main Ten Life, business, and career mentors in the Asia Pacific. A professional in Initiative, and the ability to appreciate people on a profound level. Abha has been a Mental Strength Mentor for Indian Olympic Athletes.

She has spoken at respectable discussions across Asia. Abha is a lawyer by profession, having polished corporation and performance regulation for more than 10 years.

She has consulted top CEOs, Media personalities, Sports Stars, Business people, and leaders in the making and has been closely associated with the spiritual element of leadership.

27. Harish Iyer

This Indian advocate for equal rights is named Harish Iyer. Iyer works to advance the rights of a variety of groups, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, kids, women, animals, and victims of child sex abuse.

He is an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as one of the finest motivational speakers from India and a trainer on gender and sexuality for charities.

An author who is writing their memoir, a columnist, a person with bylines in several national and international newspapers, the co-founder of a nonprofit organization named after his deceased dog, and a professional in advertising and marketing.

In addition, Harish has won multiple honors, including the Energizing Bharat Award in 2016 for his work in the area of women’s empowerment, and one of the ten recipients of the Zindagi Live Awards for his efforts to raise awareness for the LGBTQIA+ community and child sexual abuse in India.

28. Bobby D’souza

Bobby Dsouza is a dynamic virtual speaker, leadership speaker, motivational speaker, and author of “Fallen to rising”. He has over 20 years of industry expertise in the fields of B2B and B2B market sales, service, learning, and development. Bobby Dsouza carefully crafts each presentation to meet the demands of the target audience.

This enables Bobby to reach a wide range of people with his effective leadership training course and his speaking abilities. Everyone from all areas of life should consider his thoughts, especially those influential figures who direct the decision-making process. Bobby learned his most important life skills not from his degrees but rather through experiencing numerous rejections in the sales industry, battling growing self-doubts, and adopting an “I have nothing to lose” attitude.

He moved up the sales ladder and discovered the importance of service in international business process outsourcing centers thanks to his determination to keep improving. He achieved his genuine goal to serve others by influencing so many people through his training and workshops.

29. Diana Hayden

Diana Hayden, a model, actress, and television broadcaster from India, was crowned Miss World in 1997. She is the third lady from India to win the Miss World title. Her birthday is May 1st, 1973.

She became involved with several organizations and NGOs after winning the Miss World crown, including PETA, Greenpeace, the Spastics Society of India, and many more. In addition, she created the wonderful book A Beautiful Truth, which discusses self-care that offers advice on enhancing confidence and personality.

Diana has developed into a major motivational speaker in India and has talked about a variety of subjects, including communication, overcoming challenges, etc.

30. Shalini Saraswathi

Adventure lover, marathon runner, public speaker, and Deputy General Manager of Firstsource Solutions Shalini Saraswathi is a top motivation speaker in India. She was affected by a rare bacterial condition and lost both of her hands and legs. But despite everything, she persevered and developed into a daring prize-winning athlete.

She worked very hard to begin using prosthetic legs to walk, and in December 2014, after much effort, she was ultimately successful. As soon as she was able to walk, she began training with BP Aiyappa at a nearby sports facility in Bengaluru. Shalini has run numerous marathons with exceptional willpower and love for the sport.

Shalini blogs often in addition to working a full-time corporate job and jogging. She has spoken before crowds at several business events in the past few years, including those at Walmart, Biocon, TESCO, Metlife, Xiaomi, Firmenich, BASF, Delliote, HPCL, Randstad, Wipro Technologies, TATA Communications, VMWare, Amdocs, Fidelity, Salesforce, L&T, Dell, and RR Donnelly.

Final Thoughts

Many people throughout the world have been motivated by these greatest motivational speakers from India. Our lives are filled with obstacles right now, but we can easily overcome them if we follow in their footsteps and learn from their mistakes and life lessons. You must battle fiercely while maintaining a positive outlook on life without losing hope.

By listening to these incredible Motivational Speakers in India, you may thus tap into more energy and positivity inside yourself by consuming their content and holding yourself accountable to abide by them.

While all of the personalities listed here are great in their way, every individual connects to some of them differently, while some might relate to Sandeep Maheshwari, there might find Gaur Gopal Das inspiring. We would love to know whom you get inspired by the most, and how they have helped you achieve your best self!

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

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