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11 Tips on How to start a blog on Instagram (2022)

Never thought of showcasing your passion to a new platform? Or, thinking about sharing your personal experiences to inspire people, intrigue them, and give them happiness?

Well, starting it from Instagram seems like a good way to go.

All of us, I am sure to have thought of blogging at some point in our lives but have never gotten the kick-start, have we?

So, let us strike-off this hindrance right now, right here!

How to Become a Blogger on Instagram

How to start a blog on Instagram seems like child’s play but a lot of inputs go into creating a castle of your own.

1. Keep your username simple

By simple, I don’t mean attractive or eye-catchy because that’s something that you’ll find out after reading the username. However, to enable new people to explore and reach you, you ought to have something that can be easily searched on Instagram.

In fact, it has happened to me so many times that I stopped searching for a blogger on Instagram because I couldn’t find her because of the complexity of the username.

Surely, you don’t want that happening to you!

2. Username/ Name field?

Do you also think that the username and name field can be the same after all, what difference do they make being distinct?

Then, you are not the only one, my friend!

According to @EliseDarma, an Instagram Expert, keeping your name as a username is appropriate and acceptable whereas, keeping the name field as your username is a big mistake.

Now, this is because unlike your username, the name field which is seen below your display picture is searchable on Instagram.

Thus, also one of the less known facts so, try to write the name field as a group of words that are easily searchable on Instagram.

Think of the keywords that will go with your blog but at the same time are easily searchable.

In the confusion of writing something smart, we tend to forget that we have to be approachable for everybody hence, think over it by putting yourself in their shoes.

How to start a blog on Instagram | BizApprise

For Example @courtneyandthebabes did not add their name in the name field, instead, they added the closest keyword related to their brand. So, when people search for the keyword, they might end up on this post.

3. Ponder and then grow your niche

Consider it this way. Your niche is your battlefield. You can experiment with it, learn from it, have fun with it, and “OWN” it!

At the end of the day, it is your established interest, therefore you have to stick to it after choosing it.

You just cannot undo.

So, think deeply about it and then work on it diligently.

Only if all you see is ‘yourself’ in it, you will be able to make it large.

How to start a blog on Instagram | BizApprise

This account is a perfect example to point out ‘niche’. Hence, enter an arena you are comfortable in and you will excel in it for sure.

4. Because it’s Bio

Bio means description and when a person searches you on Instagram, the first thing that they see about you is your bio.

It is a teaser of the movie they are going to watch only if the teaser impressed them.

So, while they’re at it, let’s make it worth their while.

That’s how much significance a bio holds for a blogger on Instagram.

You don’t have to overthink it. Just be candid and yourself.

Let them approve you for yourself and not fir what they expect from you.

Trust me! It is better for you if they leave you before they even follow you, than the other way around.

The hurt is less!

5. Use Hashtags

The amount of hype it is is justified!

Here is the complete guide to Instagram Hashtags.

After all, you get featured on the explore tab because of your hashtags, you get popular because of it and you can get new exposure anytime you want henceforth, it is a big deal!

Do not just go with the quantity of it but the quality as well.

As we know, the perfect number of hashtags that should be added is nine but who counts?

The point is as many as you use, let each one help you in its own way.

For example: If you are posting a poem, then putting #spilledink could do a decent job and even #writersofinstagram.

How to establish yourself as Blogger on Instagram | BizApprise

For food bloggers on Instagram – related hashtags, this account shown above is a great example to get ideas.

6. Inspiration. Invention. Repeat.

It is completely normal if you feel lost in the beginning. Who’s not?

However, at that moment you cannot lose your track and give up!

So, in such case remember the words “Inspiration, Invention, and Repeat”. They will work even when everything else fails.

Look at the work of similar bloggers and not just their current achievements but from the starting. This shows the journey they’ve been through and how far they have come. That is how you take “inspiration”.

After doing this, you tread on your own path. Don’t follow, invent your own thing. That will make you unique and more likable and repeat this every time.

It does not solve the problem, sadly! What it really does is gives the will to fight through.

For Example: Post about the challenges you take. Let people know what you are doing. People will start following you if it interests then and you won’t know until you try!

7. Follow Bloggers

There’s no harm in befriending your competitors. Or at least showing the gesture if not actually meaning it.

Following similar work always helps people to discover you and start looking at your work.

It is a good way to start getting noticed by people when you really need the attention.

Try following other bloggers on Instagram who are established and have a consistent ‘following’.

Not only does it help you get some audience and exposure for your blogs but it also helps tremendously in staying updated with the new trends on Instagram.

Here is a separate article on Instagram for Business. Have a read.

8. Keep your opinions

This won’t matter much if you are a fashion blogger or a travel blogger on Instagram but if you want to, go ahead!

Coming to the writing bloggers on Instagram, you need to keep your opinion on every situation.

Be it the elections that came, or the world emoji day we celebrated.

The topic of discussion does not matter but your regularity and always coming up with ideas to interact will matter.

It will always make the readers engrossed and they will look forward to your posts.

This even increases participation in your comments-section.

Don’t you love it when a post of yours has thousands of comments on it?

Now imagine the same situation only that the ‘post’ becomes plural!

How to start a blog on Instagram | BizApprise

For Example, Blogger Twinkle Khanna shared her experience with the new book she read “Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine”.

9. End with interrogation or a thought

Everybody loves it when there’s a question or a rhetorical one ending the post. Not just the blog becomes complete but it also leaves the audience with a lot of thoughts in their minds.

Any questions will work. It just has to be there to create extra craziness.

For example: If you’re posting a place you have visited then don’t just tell its location. You should attach a fun fact with it which excites them to drop it in their bucket list too.

In fact, being a food blogger on Instagram, you should add questions like “Have you ever heard of it?” Or “Did you know?”

Personally, it amuses me to get to know about places I’ve seen pictures of growing up, but actually just ‘seeing them’ and know nothing about what’s behind it.

If you do not want to make it very complex that instead of reading it, people did it better to skip it. Then, go for a more heart to heart ending.

For example: Celebrating 8 years of ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ which is a hit Bollywood Movie.

Posting something about such iconic films is one thing and giving a sneak peek of your experience and asking about everyone’s is another.

So, when I said earlier go simple, be authentic, I really meant it!

  • how to start a blog on instagram
  • how to start a blog on instagram

Similarly, the blogger in the first picture @theboywhobakes ended with a rhetorical question to make the caption fun. It always manages to stay with them for long. Tried and Tested!

10. Geotag the locations

When you are a travel blogger on Instagram, you aim at providing the most breath-taking views, the calm sunsets, and the indulging waves of a silent sea but ending your post with that is a doubt you should have next time in your mind.

This is because it’s open-ended. What fun is it when you see something but don’t know where it is? How can it be crazy enough if you cannot plan to go to that place while looking at the post even if it’s in your imagination?

So, leave your audience with slightly more but fuller content!

Always geotag the location you have been to. It always makes the post more worthy and whole.

Who knows if their next vacation destination is inspired by your post?

How to start a blog on Instagram | BizApprise

11. Post Stories and Stories and More

Stories more than posts always.

Stories should be your go-to place to post something.

The pink circle around your profile should become default if you want people to stay active on your account.

One of the reasons for the emphasis on stories more than posts is because people can watch your stories more easily than your posts.

They just have to click on your profile and they can see it. However, to see your post they especially have to open your feeds which many of us avoid doing.

So, be more active through stories than posts.

How to start a blog on Instagram | BizApprise


The rapid increase in your following won’t happen in a day. The love of your audience will not be established overnight and the sleepless nights you are going to have to become a BLOGGER will not go in vain!

After knowing now, what you need to do. Just remember and dwell on it that ‘Stay Motivated’.

The moment you’re going through is exactly where you need to be and you are definitely on the right track.

Trust yourself!

See you as a blogger on Instagram!

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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