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5 Best Ways To Engage Your Instagram Audience

Ever skipped a class because what the teacher taught was boring? Ever ignored a text because the other person just keeps on sending generic messages? Well, if yes then the situation on your Instagram is roughly the same. However, contrary to the scenarios we shared, there are definitely numerous ways to break the ground on Instagram and engage your Instagram audience.

Therefore, if you think that in comparison with the number of followers you have, the response you get on your account is insufficient then you really need to change the way you are going about it soon.

Engage Your Instagram Audience With These 5 Surefire Ways

Here are the five different ways in which you can engage your Instagram audience.

1. Be out of Box

As obvious as it sounds, the more neglected this point is. Hence, it had to be the first one because if this is not in a proper manner then the whole idea gets backfired. Always try to create a trend and not follow the existing ones. Obviously, this cannot happen every time but coming up with a different idea every month will keep your viewers graph on an ever-increasing slope.

The content you create can be an inspiration from your personal experiences. Let them know the real side of yours. There is no harm in exposing your true self to a certain extent.

Also, do not repeat the theme of your posts very often. Play with backgrounds even posing in front of a slum can get you more likes than posting a selfie all decked up.

2. Stories Speak Strongly

Most of the time, we tend to focus on putting interesting posts to impress our audience that we forget we need to connect with them and not put forth a level that they can never match. Being relatable is key.

So, stories go a long way in making that possible. Posting stories of random moments and candid poses make you more reachable and understandable. They know that you are famous but what they need to know is that you are normal too. Thus, do not hesitate to show that side of yours.

Use polls in your stories and even drag-emojis too, when they have a say in your small decisions in life they will feel important being a part of it too. So, unfollowing your account gets out of the question!


Here, do you notice the pink circle around the profile of this Influencer? It represents a story that is posted and believes me when I say, I have never seen her profile without it!

3. Go Live Streaming

Sometimes try to put yourself in their shoes and answer the question. Don’t you simply love it when Bollywood star Ranveer Singh goes live on Instagram? Even if it is for a few moments but he does. That is what you can do as well.

Whether it is when you are washing your make-up brushes or if you are going somewhere, these impromptu meetings with the viewers keep an element of surprise and create curiosity for the future. In fact, they shower their lovely comments when you do such small appearances ever now and then.

So, whenever in doubt live stream. It goes well anywhere, anytime.


You will have more admirers if you are live in front of the audience once in a while and it is fun too!

4. Check the Comments

Only posting is not important, going through the comments is also. You should know the kind of response you are getting and learn from it. There maybe hate in the comments section but you can always deal with it by replying back to it.

Moreover, you should even reply back to the generous comments too. Doing this establishes a bond with your followers and excites them to get a like on their comments too. If the audience is happy, you are happy so, keep in mind reciprocity enhances the engagement.


For example: Liking the comments of your followers will engage your audience in commenting in your next post. In fact, you can post with more quest related captions to intrigue them in thinking and responding back.

5. Hire People

If you are really having a hard time posting pictures with good editing, then you may hire professionals to handle the photography and videography for your Instagram handle.

There is no harm in dividing work and releasing pressure from yourself when you are able to pull off the posts with classy appearances. Teamwork will surely bring out the best in you and will help you focus on other aspects well. In the end, it will engage your audience more.

End Words

At the end of the day, these ideas will remain ideas if you do not use them. However, trying to follow them for a while will certainly up your Instagram Profile and bring out the best of you.

Finally, stay determined and stay inspired because if you got where you are right now then it is undoubted that you will reach where you want to be!

I hope you like this engage your Instagram audience post.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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