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The 15 Best Instagram Business Tips of 2022

If you run a business but struggling to gain customers from Instagram, then this post on best Instagram business tips will work like a CHARM for you.

Since its inception, Instagram has been a trailblazer in its own light. It was among the few apps that gave us a leeway into people’s lives from knowing what they like to what they didn’t like to what they considered to be a trend and what companies ought to be doing to keep them satisfied.

Businesses in the most recent years have come to the realization that their customers are the ones that make the decisions. And with the help of technology, apps, and social media like Instagram they might just get ahead.

Surveys by CNN business have shown that with 84% engagements with audiences the relationship between Instagram and business is going to became the next big thing and here are some of the reasons why.

Best Instagram Business Tips [2022 Updated]

Here are the exclusive pro Instagram for business tips that will help you to set up your brand on Instagram.

1. Extensive Exposure

According to an article by the Business Journal as of June 2018, it was formally announced that on a monthly basis over a billion people use Instagram. That means that businesses and brands have access to over billions worth of free customers and that is the type of exposure that no one can easily come across with other social media platforms.

 2. A Communication Hub

Instagram provides a great hub for brands and customers to get to know each other. Firstly Instagram provides a telescope and microscope into what clients want and the latest trends. Clients also have the opportunity to offer feedback on the products and services being offered.

3. Customers get a behind the scenes look in the business

Instagram provides a face to your brand and business. Clients need to know and see who the owners of the businesses/brands and their employees and also Instagram are a great platform for companies to show their followers behind the scenes of their businesses.

4. Builds and Maintains Brands

Instagram over the years has helped to build certain companies from the ground up. In fact, Instagram has become so enticing that heavy hitters like Cisco, IBM and GoDaddy have all come out to play and that is why every business needs to give Instagram a chance.

5. Help indicate the success of a Brand/Business

Traditionally when a brand or a business wanted to know how well it was doing it would reflect through its sells but now it shows by the number of followers that follows a business account. The more followers the more it is liked and definitely the more sales it will make. This becomes an indicator of success for a business.

6. Let’s Customers know about events and promotions

Instagram helps businesses let customers know about certain promotions and special events that are being set up and once again its all organically done, so you reach more people for less.

7. Showcases actual products and services

A picture is worth a thousand words meaning the customers get to see your products and the results of your services before any formal purchase by a customer and that is exactly what builds the relationship of trust between customers and businesses.

8. Encourages Customer Participation

Instagram helps to increase customer participation. Customers and Influencers get to share customer products or tag a business or a brand to others and help it to gain publicity. Customers get to participate in quizzes and challenges that go viral and get attention.

9. Large crowds purchase products off Instagram

Recent studies have shown that over 1/3 of Instagram users have used the app to purchase products online and with over a billion users of Instagram in a month that means literally meaning millions of people use Instagram to sell products.

10. Helps Retarget Customers

Instagram helps to retarget users who visited your page but didn’t visit your site. Instagram allows businesses to target specific niches and customers to optimize their marketing and lead to conversions and later on sales. When compared to other apps that have been in the business for years Instagram comes out on top because they do not have the same retargeting abilities.

11. Has statistical Metrics that help optimize performance

Instagram and Facebook share the same capability to track leads and their Ads metrics. This statistical information helps businesses and brand know which ad campaigns are working on Instagram and how can be optimized to encourage more action.

12. Helps draw traffic to other marketing channels

Instagram can be used to reinforce other marketing efforts, which means that traffic from Instagram can be used on Facebook and on google. Inter promotions of channels help to increase the reach to different channels.

13. Provides a Loyal audience

Building an Audience that will always stay connected to you and what you have to offer. That is because on Instagram customers make the conscious decision to follow your page and be a part of your strategy and that is the perfect audience you want to be pitching to me, one that actually wants to listen to you.

Final Thoughts on Best Instagram Business Tips

Instagram is not only an app but has firmly cemented itself as a lifestyle, a business, and most importantly a platform for businesses to open their doors to the world. If ever any doubt existed as to why your business should use Instagram to grow your clientele I sincerely hope that at least one of my 13 reasons will be enough to push you to take the next big step forward.

We here at BizApprise value your thoughts and we would like to know what your thoughts are on the relationship between business and Instagram and if it’s a trend you would consider for your business.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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