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Top 9 Instagram Live Streaming Tips to Gain Followers (2022)

Well, it’s not your fault if you haven’t because in the end you have to present yourself in a particular manner but what if we tell you to drop the idea of being proper and try something that showcases your brand in an altogether different vibe and setting? Seems fascinating?

Let us know what the feature Instagram live streaming has in it for brands to present themselves out there in front of their beloved audience.

What is Instagram Live Streaming?

Live streaming on Instagram is a well-known feature added by Instagram so that people can not only post a captured moment but can also share their live activities with their followers. Now, live streaming is showcased like a story on Instagram.

People can live stream anytime they want. They can immediately see who a part of their Instagram live streaming videos is, who is liking the streaming, and who is commenting on it. They can witness everything while streaming. You can end it whenever you want. There is no set duration in which you have to do the streaming.

The Influence of Instagram Live Streaming

80% of consumers prefer to watch live videos from a brand than read a blog.

We have got a rough idea of what it is but, the real question is why should we consider it to publicize our page? Why not go by the straightforward ways to promote something on Instagram?

1. As someone starts a live video, a notification to all their followers is automatically sent. Hence, the person can immediately open their Instagram even if they were not online at the moment. This way a huge number of viewers cone up and watch your video without much effort.

2. Live streaming is showcased as a story on Instagram with a ‘live’ tag on it. Now, we know everybody usually opens the first few stories and then shuts down their id so, Instagram live streaming helps a lot because it appears first in the row of stories.

3. 80% of consumers prefer to watch live videos from a brand than read a blog. It is but natural to see such a statistic today because no one has the time to read every word when they can quickly watch what a brand wants to offer. It gets so easier and more transparent for a person to trust a brand this way. Imagine a brand giving a live opening of a new product and testing it there and then Won’t it be enough to impress you enough to buy it immediately?

In fact, it is convenient for businesses as well to show something rather than to write, create and edit a post according to the feeds.

Hence, live streaming can turn out to be a huge success for your brand if you have the ability to show your products to a live audience.

The 9 Best Instagram Live Streaming Tips

After devouring everything about live streaming it’s finally time to learn how it should be done in reality. Here are some easy steps to start the live video and the prerequisites to go about it in the first place.


1. Manage and schedule it!

This is the rule for eternity. Do you have to post something? Schedule it. Do you have to do giveaways? Schedule and manage how you are going to go about it. So, the same goes for Instagram live streaming. Always keep a standard time to start a live video so your followers can also modify their busy schedules to be available for your videos.

If you post every Friday at 7 pm, remember to do so every time unless there’s an urgent commitment you can’t avoid. Maintain consistency. Do not be irregular in your streaming or else you will lose your viewers day by day.

2. Stay Organized. Preplan everything.

Going candid and being open us one thing and being blank so as to what to say next in order to keep it going us another thing. However, if the latter happens just to fulfill the former desire then there will be a serious failure of the whole purpose of live streaming. Hence, always pre-decide what you are going to do the next time, what you are going to interact about and what you want its outcomes to be?

If you answer these questions yourself then you will be clear about the live video you are going to make.

3. Keep a discussion session

Interactions with your audience are very important. They should know that they are valuable to you and that can happen very well with live streaming where you can talk to your followers, answer to their queries and be closer to them.

This creates an unbreakable connection with your viewers and they will admire your brand even more for its transparency. Hence, your audience won’t just stay when your brand is worth billions but will take you through the rough phases as well. After all, you want them to have faith in you so try to be as open to them as possible.

The discussion can take place about anything. You can do a product review and get suggestions for it in the comments section. You can also launch a new collection through live streaming or show ‘behind the scenes’ work to entertain your audience and to gain their attention.

4. The ‘live’ option

Going by the basics, you can start a live video by swiping through the icons shown below on the screen which appears when you click on the ‘camera’ icon. There will be a lot of other options as well other than live, boomerang, superzoom, normal, type, focus, rewind and hands-free. You can try out these options too if you’d like.

5. Promote it

Live streaming on the spot can lead to failure because without prior information not everybody will be online at that time and the motive of the streaming will be defeated.

So, before doing any kind of streaming, always promote it one or two days before it so that they stay free at that time and you get the majority of viewers online then.

6. Grant ‘access’

If you are streaming for the first time then, don’t forget to check the settings beforehand. Grant access to a microphone and camera for the live video to function. You can do this by simply going to the settings and making changes accordingly.

7. Switch perspective

You can switch the camera at any time from front to back and vice versa using the ‘reverse’ icon on the bottom-right corner of your device.


You can end your live video by simply clicking on ‘end’ at the top-right corner of the page whenever you feel like doing so.

9. Interaction leads to entertainment

You can do live streaming with multiple people along with you. Just add on by clicking on the ‘add people’ button and selecting the ones you would like to stream with. It always makes things exciting. It takes one or two seconds before the screen is split up into the number of people live-streaming.

Moreover, you can also live stream with your followers. You can do so by accepting the requests made by your followers to feature in your live video if you’d like. Now, the requests pop onto your screen when they are flooding comments on your screen. There they can put up a request which can be denied or accepted after clicking on it.

Final Thoughts on Instagram Live Streaming Tips

So, now we are well aware of the latest feature to up your business today but what difference does it really make? Do anything and things will fall in place if you put in your enthusiasm and best efforts in it.

Of course, going with the flow of technology is required but you don’t need to run at a pace where you can’t catch your breath anymore. So, do what your heart tells you to and if you want to be the best then challenge all boundaries in order to set them further away for others to chase.

Meanwhile, grow your bonds with your viewers, interact with them, love them show them your admiration and keep checking on them regularly.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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