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6 Proven Blog Post Tips to Generate 10k+ Views from One Post

I know exactly how to generate 10k+ views from one blog post. Here is how you can achieve that too. Now, first things first – for bloggers or content writers, the most important thing is to generate a huge amount of traffic to their blog. Otherwise, it cannot be converted into a good source of passive income.

But how will you do that?

Generating massive traffic is not a cakewalk when there is a lot of competition out there. But it can be if you know exactly how to do it. The tips below mentioned works for all niches whether it’s a food blog, fitness blog, tech blog, automotive blog, fashion blog, you name it.

Without further ado, let’s directly jump into the topic.

Blog Post to Generate 10K Views | BizApprise

1. Headline of blog post

You may be wondering what’s important in the title of your blog post. Here is where many people fail in generating traffic to their posts. You will be surprised to know that, out of 100 people only 4 or 5 will click through your post. The rest will leave it.


This reason is clear, because, the title was not at all interesting, and neither it was catchy or surprising. Why will someone click through the post if it does not interest them?! Try finding a local magazine and read some of the articles and stories written in it. You will find that every story or article published has a very catchy and surprising headline.

The title makes its readers go through and find out what the article is all about. Now, it is exactly what you need to do. You should always keep your blog title to something that ignites the spark in the person going through it. No matter whosoever comes across will get an irresistible urge to click through and read it. But at the same time, you should understand there is a fine line between catchy, interesting, and surprising titles and click-baiting through false information.

You should never at any cost, clickbait your potential readers with a misleading piece of content. Therefore, the first thing is to decide your blog title and only then you should write ahead. But in cases where you’re out of interesting titles for your blog post, you can always use a free tool to get some interesting titles on your keyword.

2. Introduction sets the standard

Now the second step you need to follow when it comes to writing a blog post is the Introduction. But before writing that, keep the crux of your post in mind. The crux is the most valuable thing the reader will get after reading your post.

For instance, if you have a fitness blog, and you’re writing on “Home workout exercises for females”. In that suppose, you are going to list down all the exercises females can do without going to the gym. But the basic value and crux are to “reduce weight and improve health”. This is the crux, you have to keep in your mind.

Once you get that, you have to engage people with a bold statement in the first line of the first paragraph. The key objective is to engage people so that they are going to read the rest. Also, not just engaging with bold statements, you also need to cover what readers will get after reading that post.

Keep that short, concise, and to the point. Just a quick overview of what you’re going to provide them. Your aim while writing an introduction is to excite the reader. So, they are more interested in reading what it all covered and maybe sharing later on social media.

3. Body of blog post

Now at this point, you have successfully grabbed attention with the interesting headline and made curious readers with the introduction. Now, it’s time to do something like that with the body as well. The key to generating 10k+ views from one blog post is to write a piece of content worth your reader’s time.

You have to respect your reader’s time and provide super valuable content. Along with that, when writing your blog post, keep it easy to read and go through. Also, it means that users can skim through all your body content. And by that, it means readers can go through quickly and lightly without too much strain on their eyes. For that, you should always use sub-headings. It makes it not just easy to read but also to grab the whole essence. Moreover, keep your paragraphs around 4-5 lines at max.

4. Build credibility

The key to building credibility is to link out to other people, and not just to your blog. What happens is when you link to other websites, you provide the sources you are citing. It is a great way to build trust with readers. Once your readers figure out that your blog post provides a credible piece of information. They will surely love to share it with their family, and friends, or even on their social media handles.

Everyone loves to share a good piece of content with their group. Therefore, you need to build an authority that your information is true and up to the mark on credibility score. You will get a lot of traffic on that blog post via social shares alone.

5. Conclusion is essential

When writing a blog post, you need to always wrap it up with a conclusion. The conclusion will summarize your post and what it’s all about. So, if your reader is in a rush, they can quickly scroll and read the conclusion first. And, they can go back and read the rest which may be shared on social media as well. Also, put a question at the end of your conclusion.

The question can be like “Was this article helpful to you if not what are your suggestions even Comment back if this trick worked for you”. By doing so, you will create direct engagement with your readers. Once you build that engagement, there is a huge chance that they will also be willing to buy your products/services as well.

Also, once you build engagement, you create trust in them. They are more likely to get back to read your other blog posts as well. It will help you to build your audience base and that will surely benefit you in the long run.

6. Reach people you have linked

Now, this is something very few people do. When you link out to someone, they get backlinks. Everyone loves backlinks because it drives them in more traffic. So every time you write a blog post and link it, do mail the person. You can write a simple mail and nothing much fancy, like –

“Hey ________

I am a huge fan of yours and so recently I linked out to you in my latest post. You can check it out” and then mention your blog post link. Also, you can ask them to share it on their social handles nicely and humbly.

Best Regards;

Your Name”

Here are great chances that the person will share it on Twitter about your post. Either way, it will surely boost your traffic with just one post. These tips will not only grow just one post but will also build your loyal customer base as well. So that’s how you can generate 10k+ views from one blog post.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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