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9 Best YouTube SEO Tips For New Channels (2022)

If you have been looking for gaining popularity on YouTube, then you are in the right place. In this post, we’ll walk you through the best YouTube SEO Tips to rank higher on YouTube.

When we come across different YouTube channels, we often start concluding that it has a lot of subscribers or is well known. But every YouTube user started his channel with zero subscribers. So, let’s began with How to Rank YouTube Channel in 2022.

As per the analysis of the 2019 State of Video Marketing Survey, there around 88% of marketers who have been using this platform, and around 567,000 hours of video are uploaded daily on YouTube as per Business Insider Study.

It is easy to get a higher rank on YouTube channels; you just need to be on the right track. Here are a few ways which can help you out to get a higher rank on YouTube.

Best YouTube SEO Tips For Higher Rankings

Follow these 9 best YouTube SEO Tips that actually work and rank your YouTube Videos.

1. Have a Focus Keyword

It does not matter whether you have posted your videos or you are still working on them. Try creating a main keyword for each of your videos. The search engines function by matching the users’ search terms with the most relevant results. Try knowing the aim of the video, which can help you with a good ranking. 

Some of the popular keyword research tools are Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc. They all have almost a common way of working.

2. Optimize the Title

When you are clear with the focus of your video, try using the keyword in your title. But this title would not be sufficient all alone, because around 400 videos are uploaded every minute to YouTube. Your title needs to be compelling to give you a huge SEO boost.

3. Optimize the Description

Just optimizing your title would not be enough; you need to work on your description too. Your content must be able to catch the eye of all the potential viewers. The first 125 characters of your content are displayed but are always good, to sum up to around 250 words. Try putting the most important keywords at the beginning of the YouTube description.

4. Include the Right Tags

After you are done with the title and description, make sure you use the keywords in the “tags” section too. Tags are only used for YouTube’s reference; viewers would not be able to see what you include. You can take the help of an app named VidlQ to help you see the different tags your competitors are using.

5. Start Making Longer Videos

YouTube uses a total view duration as one of the ranking factors. The longer your video is, the more engaged the users are. This does not mean you should drag your video. Try using content that makes sense and is relevant to the viewers.

6. Encourage Engagement

Whenever someone watches a video they come across the option of liking, subscribing by clicking the button below.

Engagement of the viewers affects your SEO. If someone likes your video, it is noticed by YouTube so it will start showing them more of your videos.

7. Create an Interesting Thumbnail

Before opening a video, the viewer sees only two things.

The video title and the thumbnail. And, with visual information processed with the speed of 60,000 faster than text, those thumbnail counts!

YouTube can spontaneously allocate a thumbnail to you, but this would be just a random shot from the video. To be unique, you need to use an eye-catching image that will motivate people to click.

Link building plays a vital role in SEO ranking. If you know to optimize the written content for Google, then you know that the number of backlinks is counted to determine how valuable the content is.

The same way YouTube also works. To get a hike in the backlink, make sure that you post your video in different places such as the website and your blog. It is better to have more backlinks, as this will help in the higher rank of YouTube SEO and also your Google SEO.

9. Get Social

Share your videos on various platforms, the more people are aware of it, the better will google rank your video on YouTube. Do complete hashtag research related to the video of your niche and use that hashtag to promote a particular video or channel.

Closing Thoughts on Best YouTube SEO Tips

YouTube has always been one of the competitive places to share your content because there are so many people visiting it daily. I hope you find this post on How to Rank YouTube with the best YouTube SEO Tips helpful

If you have any comments, feel free to ask.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

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