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9 Best Tips To Advertise On Instagram in 2022

Did you know that over 60% of Instagram users discover new products on the platform?

Did you know that over a third of Instagram users have used their mobile to purchase a product online- making them 70% more likely to do so than non-users?

Keeping these statistics in mind, no way the money spent on an advertisement for your brand or product on Instagram will go in vain.

Nevertheless, since we have realized the importance of advertising on Instagram, let us now look at how to advertise on Instagram.

Well, I have made sure that it also flows like a breeze for you.

How to Advertise on Instagram?

Here are the 9 advanced ways by which you can effectively advertise on Instagram.

1. Audience

Judging the people who have viewed your posts and stories and the response the retaliate with is essential when it comes to advertising.

Engage your established audience. The priority should be to reach out to as many people as there can be but, more importantly reaching out to those who are your customers already is even more necessary.

So, keep an eye on your daily customers and followers, and make sure that they see the advertisement before anybody.

After targeting the established audience, you need to explore.

Setting boundaries will only hinder the growth of the brand.

Hence, look for people who have interests in products like yours and try approaching them as well.

2. Design

Design. Plan. Do

This is the drill you need to follow. Planning out what your objective through the advertisement is also a concern.

What if spending money in the advertisement did not serve the purpose you were expecting?

In that case, you will have to bear huge losses henceforth, plan in prior what you want from it.

The mindset should be clear whether you want the sales to increase or you want the end of season sale to be a massive clear out or you are launching a new range.

Expectations from all these will be a bit different hence looking forward to the same outcome in all is inappropriate.

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram

3. Video Advertisement

Now, this is a huge game currently! Posting a picture and directing the viewer to the profile is monotonous so, try attracting people from a video advertisement.

Not only will it be a fresh idea, but also it will lead to a clearer portray of your brand in front of the audience.

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram

4. Evaluate Your Competition

Do your thing. Be yourself. Let others be. These thoughts are better to read and keep aside for a moment.

This is because estimating what your competition is capable of is required more than anything today.

At the end of the day, to be the best you have to be better than the existing best and for that, you need to focus on #4.

In the following example, you can take inspiration from the way an advertisement is responsible for taking a particular viewer from Instagram to their website and finally ends up ordering something.

That’s it! That is all that you want. You want new people to try your brand. The rest will fall in place automatically.

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram

5. Revamp

Let us assume that you created a fabulous advertisement and it gained a good response however, you cannot stick with it forever, right?

People want new stuff every day so, you ought to keep improvising.

This is a different kind of advertisement in which you post a series of posts to elaborate on your brand.

With this, you can showcase multiple pictures of your brand through one advertisement.

It seriously helps to lay a good impression on the audience because they don’t just get to see a glance of your product but the whole product altogether.

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram

Story advertisement

This advertisement is self-explanatory. All you have to do is advertise through a story.

We know that before looking at posts, we tend to open the stories. After all, they are more exciting. Thus, why not use this habit to turn over your market?

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram


One of the ways to advertise is using other similar brands or Instagram Profiles to do your work. This way your audience will increase from the limited ones before and your brand will look innovatively promoted as well.

How to ADVERTISE on Instagram 2019 | BizApprise

6. Track

When you have created a spectacular advertisement, which is not only peppy but also descriptive then you should not ignore it while celebrating the success. Else, everything will slip out of your hands.

Track your advertisement. Look at the kind of audience that is watching and expand your reach.

7. Initiate

I know that it’s too late to come up with this point but we are going with the acronym.

To start an Advertisement, you must have a page on Instagram otherwise where would you be directing the viewers?

Hence, the points to go through are:

1. Create an Instagram and a Facebook Page.

2. Even if you want to create an Ad on Instagram, go to the ‘Ads Manager’ on Facebook and create a suitable Ad according to the need.

3. For any of the two handles, you have to keep the posts or videos ready to post as an advertisement.

How to ADVERTISE on Instagram 2019 | BizApprise

While you are at it if you are doing it for an outlet add ‘directions’. This makes the advertisement informative as well as convenient for the audience.

How to ADVERTISE on Instagram 2019 | BizApprise

8. Short and Slaying

Well, there’s a reason it is called an advertisement and not a film. It is pretty obvious then why you do not want to stretch it and state the purpose with the smallest description.

Nobody will keep watching an ad for more than 15 seconds which is also the reason why the major content on a YouTube ad is before the “skip this ad” icon appears.

Similarly, make your Ad flashy with minimalism and you are ready to go.

How to ADVERTISE on Instagram 2019 | BizApprise

9. Environs

The aesthetic look serves as the cherry on top. Therefore, play with the backgrounds.

Before even looking at the advertisement, our attention goes on to the creativity in environs.

Hence, make the background beautiful.

They should have a solid reason to stay and look at the advertisement, shouldn’t they?

  • Advertise on Instagram
  • Advertise on Instagram


I don’t think that you’ll ever forget how to advertise because the magic lies in the name itself.

Don’t you think this is another splendid idea of marketing?

Well, I’ll take it as a yes because it made you read this till here!

Happy Advertising to you!

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

Articles: 139


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