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PayU Integration – Integrate Payment Gateway with a Website

To get paid online securely, payment gateways are important. So, before you understand the process to integrate payment gateway with your website, let’s glance through the necessary terms first.

If you are an entrepreneur with an established offline business, then with the current trends, you are probably planning to take your business online. E-Commerce has changed customer behavior drastically. With mobile phones are now at easy disposal, any product can be ordered from anywhere and at any time. The purchasing power of customers has increased at a larger scale.

Guide to Integrate Payment Gateway using PayUMoney

The different payment gateway has a different procedure that needs to be followed to integrate them with specific websites. Integration guides are available on the gateways’ websites that can be read through before implementing the steps. You can also read articles on How to integrate payment gateway on our website.

In Hosted payment gateways, the merchant receives a piece of JavaScript code that places the button on the merchant’s website. Clicking on the button will activate the rest of the API and the checkout flow for processing the transaction. Typically, these gateways are optimal for small and local businesses that prefer to hand over the control of the payment processor to the vendor.

In cases of Direct Post Method, the vendor sets up the API connection between the merchant’s shopping cart and the payment gateway to post the card data.

Non-hosted payment gateways need an engineering team to set up the payment gateway for a website. They are integrated via APIs to the merchant’s server.

I am taking an example of PayUMoney to integrate the payment gateway and will take WooCommerce as an e-commerce plugin.

Why PayUMoney?

  • No processing and security fees
  • No annual maintenance charges.
  • You don’t need a registered business to set up a payment gateway with PayUMoney.
  • The transaction fees are only 2% per transaction.

Setting up the account with PayUMoney:

  • The only documentation required includes the PAN card, Aadhaar Card, and Bank Account.
  • To create an account with PayUMoney, enter your email id, choose the option of transacting as a merchant and then enter your name, your phone number and create a password.
  • After your details have been verified, you will get the choice between setting up an account as a merchant or as a wallet user. Choose the merchant account.
  • After these steps, you will get the choice between completing your profile and starting with the integration process. First, go for the completion of your profile.
  • There you will need to fill in additional details about your business and website.
  • In the third step, you will receive a service agreement and. Download that agreement put in your signature for further verification and then upload the documents. Read through the terms and conditions, carefully.
  • Make sure that the signature which you have put in the service agreement matches the one that you have put in for your PAN card.
  • After your documents get approved, you will get a phone call for the verification of your website. Only after the website verification is complete will you be eligible to accept payments via your payment gateway.
  • The whole verification process might take 2-3 business days.
  • After these steps, select integration details from your dashboard. There you will see all your integration credentials.
  • You will see the merchant key and the merchant salt. These two keys are important as they are unique for each merchant registered to the payment gateway. So, you will need to insert them on your website at the time of integration.
  • Beneath the integration credentials, you will find different proceed options for the different platforms. Since we have taken the example of WooCommmerce, choose that option.
  • You would different plug-ins related to WooCommerce. According to the versions, you can install the plug-in of your choice.
  • Once you have extracted the files after downloading, you will also see all the documentation related to it.

Integrating PayUMoney with your Website

  • Go to your website and log in as the admin.
  • Go to your dashboard and look for the plug-ins option.
  • Choose the option of adding a new plug-in.
  • Choose the zip file from the destination on your pc where you had saved it and install it.
  • The installation will automatically lead to the activation.
  • After the completion of the installation, go to settings, and select the payment option.
  • Enable the PayUMoney option.
  • Go to payments once again, and in case, you want to test the payment gateway, choose the sandbox.
  • Once you are ready to accept real money from customers, choose production.
  • Next, you will find the PayUMoney Key and PayUMoney Salt. Copy and Paste the key and salt from your integration details that were mentioned on the PayUMoney login.
  • Choose the Return Page as ‘My Account’. This will redirect your customers to your website.
  • The whole transaction will take place on a pop-up window itself.

Make sure that you go through the list of supported plug-ins by WordPress.

In Case you require any technical support, you can reach out at mailto:techsupport@payumoney.com

Some general points to keep in mind:

  • Understand what the payment gateway and payment processor that you choose, will do to your website. Make sure to test the payment gateway before committing to its services.
  • Consult and check with your web host. Today most web hosts have their own set of payment gateways from where merchants can pick and choose one. Check your website’s control panel or the admin page of your online store and look for payment gateway options.
  • Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the payment gateway. If you feel that you want to opt for a merchant account, then sign up with one and read their service agreement too. Merchant accounts too, charge merchants per transaction.
  • If you are new to the online environment, it is better to make sure that the payment gateway provider is available 24×7 for technical support and other grievances.
  • Always browse your options. Check with what kind of payment methods and options are supported by the different payment gateways.

While integrating a payment gateway, judge the ease with which it can be integrated. Know about the success rate of the payment gateway. Consider the recommendations from established enterprises and customer reviews. Choose the one with optimal funding speed. After providing a particular service or selling a product, you will want the funds in your account as soon as possible.

Also, think about bendability. In the future, you might consider expansion for your business. At that time, easy conversion rates and accepting payments in International currencies and from International banks will become essential.

Finally, keep the transaction fees, annual maintenance charges, and the set-up cost of the gateway. Investing in an expensive plan, in the beginning, may not be the right choice.

Channelize your work and talent in the right direction to reach the correct audience.

Aditya Goyal
Aditya Goyal

Author, Researcher, and SEO Expert with over 6 years of experience in Writing Content on Money Making Ideas, Startup Resources, and Business Growth. With a background in Marketing and Operations, I love to help individuals/businesses to create their own success stories.

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